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Virus in music market


e to Covid 19 the bad side of lock out, is evident (from one side) at the concerts, (from the other side),are consumers sales delays , namely, as buyers, they postpone to purchase of CD's and Vinyl-records second hand records, due to closing all recordstores , but also because during their long abstention from mass music events, like rock clubs, like metalcafe and rock concerts, happens to change tastes of his music orientation so are moved themselves to some similar kind of music that happened to meet it while the <<medical lock dowm>> lasted.

When meeting points of rock and rec/stores were closed, so that made some chances to tried some other musics and to left a side their previous genre, and while before they used to dedicate all their time and income to one specific genre, now they share between these two or three music styles,while all their financial income they can afford for purchasing CD's Vinyl records, concert tickets and to the other similar genre of music, which now they being tested it for first time in regards corona virus lock out ,since, due to closed stores and places they have more time to spend, so they get to explore to this something new in sound.So hapens transfers from thrash metal to AOR and glam metal,these hardcore guys of thrash, spend some time to listen again and again some AOR albums from curiosity,and day after day became more friends to melodic AOR, regards surplus of time due to corona virus lock up.

As the "conspiracy theories" say, Covid 19 was created by dark minds, and during the process was spread by accident, so due to the dark decision centers,decided, that regards humanity who was too comfortable and complacent and humans lost their demon of entrepreneurship, also lost all ambition for profit activities also most of subversive activities ,so in the music industry, Lock Down changed the way of thinking to the fans of each music cast and lost the habits,he has before to follow each one music anti-culture ,and even in meantime of this strong Lock Down, each individual person acquired a new way of share and compare with the music he had been serving until now. Most young ages moved to less pop kinds, some students moved to classic music lending records from their parents and exploring classics

So the young generations guys, who did not face some serious problem of becoming fatally ill, spent their time during the lock out prison differently, in an effect that this changed the music CD market and sales, even those on the internet, they prefer old bands from their parents record selves.

Nothing from now on would be as was once before, music from the past came to the surface a lot,all corporated new young stars remained inactive due they could not give concerts and seduce their audience, most dinosaur artists from 60ties and 70ties came out of their graves and mausoleums again on downloads and share downloads, these labels who were seeking to move the music forward, they saw the tsunami of backwardness inadvertently overwhelming them, due to the excessive excess of time that the young children had from now on.

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